Compassionately Helping Seniors with Clutter

In the junk & debris removal business we deal with an array of senior citizens, often in different stages of their lives. Some are simply downsizing to a new, more accessible home, some to assisted living and others perhaps utilizing reverse mortgages due to financial distress from a lack of funds due to a stagnant fixed income.

Creating Social Media for Small Business

First and foremost you have to commit to posting on a regular schedule and when we say commit, we don’t mean for a few days or weeks, but months and years.  It is not going to be easy. Make no mistake about it, content creation is real work.

Innovation within the Arena

I think the word innovate produces a gag-reflex and anxiety for many people. Often, the word innovate has a negative connotation attached to it. An idea that a person has to be almost inventive or possess a creative genome which is simply not found in all people. I promise this is not the case.

Marketing with a Purpose

What is the purpose of marketing?  To sell more stuff, right? Wrong. Perhaps during the post World War II era this idea was true. When the American economy was leading the charge forward in consumerism, and the vacuum cleaner, television rat races that ensued in many households across the country led the day, you could work off the simple premise of, ‘sell more stuff’.  However, this is not true anymore. 

Ice Hockey Tournaments- Maximizing Revenue

One of the beautiful things about Ice Hockey Tournaments is ancillary income. With a little bit of ingenuity and business partnership you can add dollars each day to your bottom line. Examples of this can include rebates from local hotels, barter or trade with local eateries and even free marketing from your local chamber of commerce depending on the size of the economy in your market.

Social Media in the Ice Arena Industry

I follow a large sample of Ice Arenas across the country, and while there are many that use it well, it seems the majority of them do not use the Social Media outlets as effectively they could be. It goes above and beyond setting appointments for open hockey or parent and child stick time. It also goes far above just bombarding your followers/friends/customers with SPAM type info.